When working with corporate clients, particularly with managers and their ability to lead their teams, I often refer to "Me, Us and It" (***) whereby it's important to look at how the interaction between Me (you), Us (your team) and It (product/service delivered) is best optimised. The concept is simply about how one engages one's team to deliver the end product or service, the one "thing" that your business depends on.
In the business world, it often requires a change of mindset for clients to realise and understand that the first step to improving performance in the marketplace is to get "Me" right, and once you have that, you are then able to manage the rest far better.......the "Us" and finally the "It".
The business world has learnt over the years to use coaching to help identify deficiencies in performance, improve awareness of methods to increase productivity and ultimately make positive changes in the work environment.
We are perhaps not so quick however, to analyse our personal life and look at ways in which we can improve ourselves and consequently, the precious world around us. If we look at the "Me, Us, It" idea, this can be applied in our personal life to make positive change on a daily basis that can benefit us, our family, and even close circle of friends and extended family.
The "Me" refers to you, the "Us" refers to your close knit group of people who you interact with personally on a daily basis. For many that will be close family, perhaps a partner and children, and for others that may be a partner or it may be parents, close friends who live together, students who live away from home with their peers, or maybe those people who work abroad and spend long periods away from home. Whatever your individual situation, you have a group of people who you have a personal interaction with from day to day.
This is similar to the business model so far, but the "It" differs in that in our personal life we are not creating a product or providing a service as our final goal.